Clinical trial: milking or delayed cord clamping
Clinical trial: Premature milking or delayed cord clamping (PREMOD)
Primary investigator: Dr. Anup Katheria
Research coordinators: Kathy Arnell, Deborah Petruzzelli, Wade Rich
About this trial
Premature babies can be very sick and have bleeding in the brain. Giving babies more blood before cutting the umbilical cord by delayed cord clamping or umbilical cord milking has been shown to reduce the risk of bleeding in the brain. This may be related to improving perfusion to the brain. However, delayed cord clamping may not be as beneficial when delivered by cesarean section. Milking the umbilical cord may give babies more blood when delivered by cesarean section.
Benefits of delayed clamping include:
Decreased incidence of bleeding in the brain in preterm infants
Increased blood volume
Lower incidence of anemia
Reduced need for blood transfusion
Our hypothesis is that umbilical cord milking will:
Decrease death or brain injury
Decrease death or long-term disabilities
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